I order to give my magazine the largest audience possible I created a questionaire to find out what current genre of magazines are popular and what age my target audience is, as well as price range and artists they like to read about, this lead to me creating a questionaire and handing it out to as many people as possible. I hope by using this questionaire that I can reach my target audience and connect with them.
Circle the answer most appropriate.
Gender ?
Male Female
Age ?
14-16 17-20 21-24 24+
Yes No
What genre of music magazines do you usually buy?
RnB Dance Indie Rock Heavy Metal Other
If other please state..................................................
£1.00-£1.99 £2.00-£2.99 £3.00-£3.99 £4.00-£4.99 more?
Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other
If other please state................................
What catches your eye most in a magazine?
Photography Editing Text Feature Article Artist on the cover
Who would you like to see on the magazine cover?
A group A male artist A female artist
Light Dark
How many colours would you like to see on the cover?
One Two Three Four More than Four