Thursday, 21 April 2011

Feature Article 2

I then decided to include another photo in my double page feature to break up the amount of text, as well as inserting a large photo onto the single page of the feature article. This is my finnished feature article.

Feature Article

the Layout of my feature article has been completed, however I could not stick to the flat plan as much as I would have liked due to the amount of text I have created.


After I took my photos I had to edit a few for my feature article using photoshop. I chose the photo then using the crop, burn and magnetic lasso tool edited it so that it would fit with my feature article.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


I took lots of pictures in order to find the one that I thought would fit my magazine the best.
The pose is not something that looks comfortable and would not suit my magazine style, the shot framing is also slightly off.This is slightly better however the shot is not the medium style shot I was looking for.

This is the shot I chose to use, however the brightness and airbrushing tool had been used on the photo on the left hand side, this is the photo I chose to use on my front cover.

Thursday, 7 April 2011


In order to make my magazine have an area of continuity I decided to create a logo to place on each page, however due to my colour scheme there were a few designs I had could have chosen so therefore decided to make some sample logos using photoshop. I took the ministry of sound logo due it being a world wide known logo and big in the RnB and Dance scene. This would therefore increase the marketability of my product. I then minipulated the image and added my own text to give the logo a different twist.
I chose to use the logo marked 2 although all the logos fit into my colour scheme, the black logo is more subtle and will fit onto each page without making a bold statement.